Table of Contents

On this page I list my favorite bands. I explain the importance of each one of these bands and why they are my favorite. (September 19, 2017)

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On this page I list down 2 truths and 1 lie. The challenge is to figure out which is the lie. (September 20, 2017)

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On this page I list 5 important facts about The Beatles. These may be facts YOU don't even know. I went into deep research for this. (October 10, 2017)

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On this page I write a short summary of my essay. I explain how The Beatles were the best band of all time and continue to live in rock and roll history. (October 18, 2017)

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On this page I compare a scene from Motorcycle on the Sea of Tranquility to the song "At Last" by Etta James. (November 16, 2017)

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On this page I explain the importance of self-love and beauty standards in society today. (November 16, 2017)

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On this page I write a summary about my favorite movie, book and famous person. (November 16, 2017)

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On this page I write an essay on the impact The Beatles made on the Zeitgeist culture of the sixties. (November 30, 2017)

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Motorcycle on the Sea of Tranquility: Soundtrack
On this page I compared the song At Last by Etta James to the novel, Motorcycle on the Sea of Tranquility by Patricia Santana. (December 7, 2017)


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