2 Truths, 1 Lie
I was born and raised in Coachella, California. House I live in currently is the house I've lived in my entire life. My wish has always been to live somewhere else when I grow up, but now I don't mind staying here for the rest of my life. The Coachella Valley isn't as bad as people make it seem, aside from the horrible weather. I know a good amount of people because it is such a small town. Most of my family lives here too so it's easy to reunite every once in a while.The events we have in Downtown Coachella are especially my favorite thing about this town.

During Coachella Fest something intense happened one of the days that I will never tell my mother. It was Friday weekend two. After Radiohead performed, my friends and I left to get picked up by a friend's mom. As we were walking out of the festival, we found some friends we knew and they offered to give us a ride. They were mostly friends of my friend, but acquaintances to me. We got in the car with them and stopped at a gas station before any of us got dropped off. I was asleep at the time while my friends got off at the gas station. I overheard the driver telling the passenger that he was going to offer us drinks and put drugs in them. After that, they got out of the car and also went inside the gas station. I quickly got out and ran to my friends to tell them what I heard. Immediately we called an uber to to pick us up from the gas station and went back to my house safely.

On February of my senior year in high school I got suspended for throwing a potato at a freshman. My friends and I were sitting at this table minding our own business and talking. We've pratically been sitting there the entire school year. Since the beginning of the year these freshmen would throw carrots at us, not knowing who we were. At some point during the year our table got really annoyed. We began throwing food at them as well because we knew if we told administration of our problem they wouldn't listen to us. When the bell rang, I thought it was a good idea to throw one last item before we all headed to class and that one item was a potato. Unfortunately, the dean saw me. He took me to his office and suspended me for one day and no one else because there was no evidence of them throwing anything at us.
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