Eye of the Beholder (Twilight Zone)

Since before time, beauty standards have always been defined by society. If we didn't meet these standards, we were considered "ugly".
Beauty standards in society have been around for the longest time and still are to this day. Obviously, they've changed throughout the eras. In this particular era in this episode of "The Twilight Zone", being ugly isn't normal, according to their society, therefore ugly people had the option of either being put away, but most preferable, being sent to a village with people of 'their kind". At the end of this episode, the representative from the village says to the unsuccessful patient, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," meaning only oneself can determine their own beauty. This old saying is very important especially in a time like now when society has young and beautiful adolescents thinking they should be perfect.
In "The Twilight Zone", there was a scene where Janet Tyler, patient from 307, was getting her bandages removed by the doctor and says she wants to be put away if she's still ugly. The doctor says that people with disabilities like her can live in a village. As she gets her bandages taken off, the doctor warns that she shouldn't expect a miracle. Finally, when Ms. Tyler gets her bandages removed, the nurses and doctor gasp and call her hideous. In this scene we can clearly see everyone's faces including Ms. Tyler's. One would think Ms. Tyler looks normal and the so called normal doctor and nurses actually look hideous. As the representative says to Ms. Tyler,"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
I agree with the saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder because I do see adolescents and even children younger than me worried about what they look like, but the truth is, society can't define if we're beautiful or not. Only we can define our own beauty.
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