Motorcycle on the Sea of Tranquility: Soundtrack

On "Motorcycle On the Sea of Tranquility," novel by Patricia Santana, is based on the sixties in San Diego, California. At some point in the novel, Yolanda, the protagonist, mentions her true love for Francisco Valdivia, her classmate from Southwest Junior High. One day, Yolanda is sick of waiting for Francisco to make a move and decides to make a move herself. “Here I was waiting for Francisco Valdivia to enter the locker hall so I can cast him The Look,” thought Yolanda. ‘The Look’ was a suggestion by her wise older sister, Ana Maria, who was experienced in relationships and dating. This side of Yolanda, a side that truly brings out the best of her, is what I believe ties in the idea of how Yolanda and her siblings ‘learn how to be Americans as well as Mexican Americans.’ Chapter 16 starts off with Yolanda confessing to her best friend, Lydia, her true love for Francisco Valdivia. At first, she’s not exactly sure how to do this and decides to write him a love note. Before she takes immediate action, although she’s sure that’s what she should do, Yolanda seeks advice from Ana Maria. “Red Coral” is the lipstick she instructed Yolanda to wear and then to wait by Francisco’s locker to give him the look. “Your eyes meet. Just an instant, not longer. Then quickly look down like to say ‘oops, I didn’t mean for you to catch me looking at you.’ Don’t do this more than once a day.” This was described by Ana Maria as The Look. As Yolanda waited for Francisco to stop by his locker, he and three other friends came up to Yolanda. The three buddies made fun of her outfit because it was nothing like she had worn before. As they shared their laughs, Francisco too joined in with heir laughter. Yolanda felt embarrassed for a few seconds until she realized how confident she should feel and the work she spent to impress this boy, and decided to throw her books at the boys that made fun of her. People who watched cheered for her as the boys and Francisco walked in shame. At last, Francisco and Yolanda’s eyes met as she gave him The Look. Personally, I’ve never had an experience like this mostly because I never had the confidence Yolanda had when I was in high school, but when I heard of other girls confessing their love for their Francisco Valdivia or even giving a simple ‘Look,’ I would be left in complete shock by their amazing confidence. What Yolanda did is every high school girl’s dream. Not only having the confidence to try to reach out to her crush, but also standing up to the people that made fun of her. I’d say she’s a true inspiration for showing this confident side of hers. The way she didn’t plan to throw her books at the idiots after feeling super embarrassed is an important factor of the character she is.
On January 10th 1961, "At Last" by Etta James entered Billboard's Hot Top 100 chart; eventually it peaked at #47 and spent 8 weeks on the Top 100. It is her most enduring song, but is not typical of her work. Throughout the whole song, she explains how happy she is to be in love. Etta James had her fair trial of drug addiction and became very depressed and in this song she expresses her true happiness and has finally found her love at last. This is still one of the best love songs out there no matter how old it is. We also believe that it couldn't have been written any better because of how perfectly it describes what being in love is about. She finally finds the love she dreamed of whom brings color into her life. There’s no more gray skies and she can finally breathe. This says she’s very lucky and deserves all the happiness and love in the world. "At last, my love has come along," suggests that before her love came into her life she was very lonesome and depressed. We think many people have felt this before and to come to a point where you finally found what you’ve been looking for, it is a huge relief.
Born in Los Angeles, California, on January 25, 1938, Etta James was a gospel prodigy. In 1954, she moved to Los Angeles to record "The Wallflower." Her career had begun to soar by 1960, due in no small part to songs like "I'd Rather Go Blind" and "At Last." Despite her continued drug problems, she earned a Grammy Award nomination for her 1973 eponymous album. In 2006, she released the album All the Way. James died in Riverside, California, on January 20, 2012, and continues to be is considered one of the most dynamic singers in music. Etta James is best described for her bluesy/classical style of music and how she battled her drug addiction. She lived a rough and tumble life that could’ve inspired a dozen soul operas. Despite her struggles, James finally found a man that brought her love and happiness. In “Motorcycle on the Sea of Tranquility,” Yolanda Sahagun gives Francisco Valdivia ‘the look’ which she believes will lure him to her. Yolanda wants nothing more than to have Francisco for herself and believes she has nothing to lose if she expresses her true feelings for him. Like Etta James, Yolanda Sahagun she too believes she found her soulmate, Francisco Valdivia.
"At Last," by Etta James is about her lonely days over and she finally found the love of her life. | We believe she considers herself lucky to be in love and that she found that man. |
She finally finds the love she dreamt of whom brings color into her life. | There’s no more gray skies and she can finally breathe. |
"At last, my love has come along.." |
We think many people have felt this before and to come to a point where you finally found what you’ve been looking for, it is a huge relief.
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